association of Microbial Ecologists
ICME stands for International Course in Microbial Ecology. These courses aim to share knowledge about methods, techniques, background and practical tips of daily utility in the laboratory of microbial ecology. The courses are known for the free horizontal transfer of knowledge, meaning that instructors and participants are truly networking. It often happens to find job opportunities during a course or vice versa to find the perfect fellow worker.
The series unofficially started in 2009, with the SiTEMicro group, made by Italian Microbial Ecologists within the SITE-Società Italiana di Ecologia. 4 courses were organised with a strong participation. Therefore the need to structure the activities and create more advanced courses. After SAME13 conference in 2013 and the official birth of Microb&co, the ICME Series started with annual meeting hosted in different research institutions.
Working in the laboratories under the supervision of expert researchers made the course very effective for learning techniques and practical tips. The massive introduction of metagenomics and bioinformatics in microbial ecology also increase the need to hands-on training.
association of Microbial Ecologists